Healing Bottoms embodies the spirit of excellence; by researching/ testing the latest Scientific Remedy studies and providing sanitary Pharma environment, finest ingredients World Wide!! (Healing Bottoms™ Product Ingredients/ Ratios are Trade Marked to Healing Bottoms. FDA does not evaluate Holistic Remedies category HB Falls under. HB ingredients are Certified by OneCert Accreditation (NPOP/EU), CCOF, and Food & Drug Administration (Agency in the Dept. of Health & Human Services). Although Possible, Healing Bottoms does Not claim to "Cure" any Diseases or Viruses. Talk to your Doctor 1st if you are on current prescription drugs, pregnant, breast feeding under age 18, have allergies to our ingredients before "Replacing" or Adding to your current medications; as Turmeric can affect certain medicines, slow blood clotting in people with bleeding problems. Review Ingredients on our "FAQ" pg for Allergies. HB Policy: "No Return/No Exchange Policy" No "Returns" for "Re-Selling" To Protect Consumer Health & Hinder Theft. Please Call Us @ # (219).515.8219 for Questions Prior To Purchase. Individual Results May Vary.
Pregnant/Breast feeding Woman HB's capsules are 100% all natural spice blend to heal your gut and give you a healthy digestive tract free from dependence of probiotics IN JUST 1.5 GRAM OF TURMERIC CURCUMIN PER SERVING! HB recommends the following when pregnant or breast feeding or on medication to fight Disease and Disorders: 1. Please read ALL ingredients to avoid allergens on this FAQ page 2. Talk to your doctor 1st to make sure ingredients do not affect your current meds, upcoming surgeries or lifestyle changes. 3. Listen to your body and only take what feels good! 4. HB Capsule contain 1.5 grams of turmeric/curcumin per serving (2 capsules)
SAFE, PAINLESS, SOOTHING – WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS: UN-like other leading products, Healing Bottoms Suppositories has no irritating chemicals or side effects reported. It is 100% NATURAL!
KIDS HB does not recommend treatment to children 10-16 but is considered safe when supplements dosages are cut down to 1/4. and suppositories cut down to comfortable size BEFORE inserting under Doctor supervision and instruction only.